Founded in 1957, the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) brings together marine aids to navigation authorities, manufacturers, consultants, scientific and training institutes from all parts of the world and provides them with the opportunity to share and compare their experiences and achievements.

IALA encourages its members to work together in a common effort to harmonise aids to navigation worldwide and to ensure that the movement of vessels is safe, expeditious and cost-effective while protecting the environment.

Developing common standards of best practice

Taking into account the needs of mariners, developments in technology and the requirements and constraints of navigational authorities, a number of technical committees have been established, bringing together experts from around the world.

The work of the committees is aimed at developing common standards of best practice through the publication of IALA Recommendations and Guidelines.

This work ensures that mariners have navigational aids that meet their needs now and in the future. In this way, IALA contributes to reducing the number of maritime accidents, increasing the safety of life and property at sea and protecting the marine environment. 

Rijkswaterstaat actively participates in various working groups in order to generate knowledge that directly feeds into the preparation of IMO regulations.